CV Boot

March 21, 2011

The rubber component of the driveshaft assembly, also known as the CV axle, is called the CV boot, This part is essential for protecting the CV joint’s internal components. It is designed to seal off the joint, keeping vital lubrication inside while preventing dirt, moisture, and debris from entering and causing damage. The CV boot is typically secured at both ends with stainless steel clamps, often referred to as CV boot clamps. These clamps hold the boot firmly in place, ensuring a tight seal that helps prolong the lifespan of the CV joint by preventing contaminants from reaching the ball bearings and other moving parts inside.

Over time, the CV boot can become cracked, torn, or brittle due to constant exposure to road conditions, weather elements, and normal wear and tear. A damaged CV boot can lead to grease leaking out, which in turn accelerates wear on the CV joint itself. Regular inspections are recommended to check for signs of wear, as a small tear in the boot, if left unaddressed, can result in significant damage to the CV joint, requiring costly repairs or replacement.

By keeping the CV boot and its clamps in good condition, you help maintain the overall integrity of the driveshaft assembly, ensuring smoother vehicle operation and extending the life of the CV joint.

CV Joint Rubber Boot

CV Joint Rubber Boot

CV boots have different shapes and sizes. The bellows on the boot determine the amount of movement the boot tolerates. The type of boot to be used depends on the CV joint type; boots either have locking lips or they are plain on the retaining profile.

Most problems with CV joint is due to the CV boot getting broken, and the lubricant leaking out and getting dried, so inspect the cv joint boot and the lubricant periodically.

How to replace CV Boot?

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posted in CV Joint KB by CV Joint Blog

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2 Comments to "CV Boot"

  1. Boyd Wickizer wrote:

    I need a replacement boot for the outer end of a CV joint axel whose manufacturer no longer makes them.
    A quality boot with the following dimensions would work:
    large end diameter 85mm/ 3 3/8ths inches.
    smaller end diameter 24mm/15/16ths inches.
    Length 4.75-5.5 inches would work.

  2. Masoud wrote:

    we are interested in cv joint and boot kit

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