Proking WS-100 C.V. Joint Induction Heating Equipment

April 13, 2010

Proking, a reputed company, which manufactures precise Shrink Fit Tooling, Sealing Machine, Cap Sealing, Heat Treatment Equipment and Induction Heating. Proking manufactures different types of Induction Heating. Small heating equipment is made up of semi-conductors, high-frequency induction generators, output transformers and coil and water-cooling devices. IGBT, MOS-FET oscillating is used which features smaller size, lighter weight and easy-to-oeprate. The equipment is good for low-power quenching and annealing welding. Another product from Proking is Induction Heating. We have manufactured various types of Sealing Machine for many years. We can supply any size and different kinds of special bottle sealing designs.

Proking is known for its professionalism and exceptional R&D capabilities. Based on extensive experience in the field, Proking has spread its sales network to more than 30 countries and won recognition from customers. All products comply with CE standards and are inspected rigorously for consistent quality.

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